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@echo off
title Synczilla
REM ATTENTION, encodage OEM 850
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Check argument
if "%1" NEQ "login" if "%1" NEQ "logout" (
echo Aucun ou mauvais argument. Veuillez prciser login ou logout.
pause > nul
timeout 1 >NUL
tasklist | findstr firefox.exe 1>NUL
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (cls && echo Veuillez fermer Firefox et appuyer sur Entre... && timeout 1>NUL && goto ffloop)
timeout 1 >NUL
tasklist | findstr thunderbird.exe 1>NUL
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (cls && echo Veuillez fermer Thunderbird et appuyer sur Entre... && timeout 1>NUL && goto thloop)
timeout 1 >NUL
tasklist | findstr chrome.exe 1>NUL
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (cls && echo Veuillez fermer Chrome et appuyer sur Entre... && timeout 1>NUL && goto chloop)
if "%1" == "login" (
cls&&echo RESTAURATION......
if exist P: (
REM Check existance profil FF
if not exist %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox (color 4f&&cls&&echo Aucun profil firefox trouv.&&echo Firefox n'est pas install, ou n'a jamais t lanc dans cette session sur cet ordinateur.&&pause>nul&&exit)
REM Rcup du nom du profil de destination
for /f "delims=/ tokens=2" %%a in ('type %appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles.ini ^| findstr Default^=Profiles') do set ffprofile=%%a
REM Restauration FF
copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\cert9.db %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\cookies.sqlite %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\key4.db %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\permissions.sqlite %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\places.sqlite %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\favicons.sqlite %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\webappsstore.sqlite %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
REM recup hostname dans variable pour le mettre dans le prefs.js
for /f %%a in ('hostname') do set hostname=%%a
type P:\sync\ff-roaming\prefs.js | findstr /v > %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\prefs.js
echo user_pref^("", "!hostname!"^); >> %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\prefs.js
if exist P:\sync\ff-roaming\extension-preferences.json copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\extension-preferences.json %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
if exist P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions.json copy /y P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions.json %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\
if exist P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions robocopy P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\extensions /mir
REM Restauration TH
REM Rcup nom profil en cours
if exist P:\sync\th-roaming (robocopy /np /mir /xo P:\sync\th-roaming %appdata%\Thunderbird && copy /y P:\sync\th-roaming\profiles.ini %appdata%\Mozilla\Thunderbird)
REM Restauration Chrome
if exist P:\sync\chrome (robocopy /np /mir /xo P:\sync\chrome %localappdata%\Google\Chrome)
if "%1" == "logout" (
cls&&echo SAUVEGARDE.....
if exist P: (
REM Check existance profil FF
if not exist %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox (color 4f&&cls&&echo Aucun profil firefox trouv.&&echo Firefox n'est pas install, ou n'a jamais t lanc dans cette session sur cet ordinateur.&&pause>nul&&exit)
REM Rcup du nom du profil en cours … sauvegarder
for /f "delims=/ tokens=2" %%b in ('type %appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles.ini ^| findstr Default^=Profiles') do set ffprofile=%%b
REM Sauvegarde FF
set /a sync=0
type %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\prefs.js | findstr services.sync > NUL
if !errorlevel!==0 set /a sync=1 else set /a sync=0
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\cert9.db P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\cookies.sqlite P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\key4.db P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\permissions.sqlite P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\places.sqlite P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\favicons.sqlite P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\webappsstore.sqlite P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\prefs.js P:\sync\ff-roaming\
if !sync!==0 (
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\extension-preferences.json P:\sync\ff-roaming\
copy /y %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\extensions.json P:\sync\ff-roaming\
robocopy %appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\!ffprofile!\extensions P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions /mir
if !sync!==1 (
if exist P:\sync\ff-roaming\extension-preferences.json del /q P:\sync\ff-roaming\extension-preferences.json
if exist P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions.json del /q P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions.json
if exist P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions rmdir /q /s P:\sync\ff-roaming\extensions
REM Sauvegarde TH
for /f "delims=/ tokens=2" %%a in ('type %appdata%\Thunderbird\profiles.ini ^| findstr "Path"') do set thprofile=%%a
if exist %appdata%\Thunderbird robocopy /np /mir /xo %appdata%\Thunderbird P:\sync\th-roaming /xd %appdata%\Thunderbird\Profiles\!thprofile!\Mail /xd %appdata%\Thunderbird\Profiles\!thprofile!\ImapMail
REM Sauvegarde Chrome
if exist %localappdata%\Google\Chrome robocopy /np /mir /xo %localappdata%\Google\Chrome P:\sync\chrome /xd "%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" /xd "%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Code Cache"